Career Development and Transition Coaching

It was instrumental for helping my advancement within the organization occur at a much faster pace than it probably would have without the program. The initial coaching helped me change some very important things about my leadership.

B.V., VP, National Moving and Storage Company

Summing it up, I found the coaching with Dr. McCarthy and his program to be a life changing experience. It’s helped me become a much better leader in a relatively short period of time. I’m grateful for that. It’s also gratifying to know that I’ve helped my area be a more positive, productive place for everyone to work in. I never would have discovered this without the coaching program.

K.G., VP, Transportation Company

It’s not uncommon on the path to success to encounter career challenges, job dissatisfaction, or transition in one’s professional life. Career coaching advances new options, strategies, skills, and professional opportunities to speed achievement or make a mid-course correction.

Life Changing Transitions

In any professional career the road to success is generally accompanied by transitions. Frustrations can build when not advancing at a faster pace, seeing others promoted more quickly, or encountering untimely transitions—all can cause one to seek career counseling and coaching. One of the most important key factors relating to long-term success in any profession is the development of self-insight. If there is desire for continuous learning and improving, career development coaching can speed the achievement of professional goals and personal advancement.

Career Development Coaching

Having an expert personal career coach can shed light on frustrating career obstacles, offering new insight for speeding advancement and/or making strategic mid-course directions in career path. Understanding one’s strengths and weaknesses, setting goals for improvement and plotting clear strategies to deal with current career limiting factors, people and/or internal organizational resistances can prove invaluable in helping one overcome difficult challenges that inevitably occur over the course of one’s professional life.