Leading-Edge Best Practice Sales Training

…Before starting the program sales growth had been flat at 0% …within 10 months we had achieved a 13.5% sales growth for the year…

Doug Mohrland, Director of Special Products Sales, Berger Transfer

Our salespeople have been very happy with the new proof data and best practices helping them finally get in new doors. It was quite exciting to see the testimonials we were able to get from current customers. They gave us amazing quotes about how our performance was superior to competitors and how we helped them achieve “double digit” cost savings and sales growth.

John Olivanti, EVP Sales & Marketing Smyth Companies, LLC

EPC challenges conventional sales thinking asserting that current accepted practices actually sabotage the growth of most companies. By failing to acquire powerful proof data to support product/service differentiation, underutilizing standardized best practices, and neglecting to promote ongoing sales skills coaching, most companies are grossly underperforming in sales. EPC offers the most comprehensive menu of state-of-the-art sales training and sales coaching modules available.

EPC Introduces Evidence-Based Selling

EPC introduces Evidence-Based Selling in which companies are shown how to gather objective customer proof data to provide more convincing evidence for generalized statements of value proposition, competitive advantage, and product/service differentiation. This is the first of EPC’s Five Key Leading-Edge Best Practices which offer the most comprehensive menu of state-of-the-art sales training and sales coaching modules available.

EPC Sales Training—Challenges Conventional Sales Thinking

Current accepted sales practices actually sabotage the growth of most companies. By failing to acquire real proof data to support product/service differentiation, underutilizing standardized company-wide best practices, and neglecting to promote ongoing sales skills coaching, most companies end up grossly underperforming in sales. (See Blog:Why So Many Companies Underperform in Sales)

Failure to Employ Best Practices in Sales

In fact, a recent 2015 study found that only 7 percent of surveyed companies qualified as World Class Sales Organizations, which are characterized as being more disciplined in applying best practices having direct links to revenue growth.


EPC’s Innovations in Sales Training & Coaching

For more details about this program:

See: Top 5 Key Leading-Edge Best Practices in Sales

See: EPC’s Sales Training/Coaching Structure and Topical Content

For Additional Client Testimonials see: Sales Training & Coaching Comments

Percentage of World Class Sales Organizations

Salespeople’s Time & Training Monies Wasted

Most companies fail to provide enough real proof data to factually differentiate their products/services, defend their value proposition, and overcome objections. Subsequently, salespeople depend on generic statements, which are inadequate in supporting the value of the product/service advantage leaving prospects justifiably skeptical.